Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Am I Pro-Life...or just Pro-Birth?

Let me start by stating that I hate abortion.
It is a loathsome procedure and no woman should ever need to have one.

Having said that, until women stop being victims of sexual coercion, rape and abuse, until no woman’s life is ever endangered by a pregnancy, until special education is fully funded for children with birth defects, until adoption becomes less cumbersome and costly, and until our social safety net is so strong that no woman facing an unplanned pregnancy falls into abject poverty or is kicked out of her home, abortion will continue to exist. Making it illegal will not stop it.It will just push it back to shady, unregulated practice.

So why does one party have a “Pro-Life” plank and another have a “Pro-Choice” plank?

To get your vote. Neither party has any intent of fully accomplishing those planks. If you have ever attended any district or state convention, you know that votes on the platform are made after the candidates are endorsed and after most delegates, beyond die-hard ideologues, have gone home.  Many candidates never read the entire platform and only a few feel morally obliged to support every plank.

The Republicans had a supposedly pro-life president, Congress and conservative Supreme Court majority for four years and failed to make abortion illegal. Instead they passed tax cuts for the wealthy, started a war in the Middle East based on false information, allowed our streets to be invaded by deranged people with semi-automatic weapons, failed to negotiate prices with the big pharmaceutical companies for taxpayer-subsidized Medicare drugs, and gutted banking regulations, leading to a huge national recession.

Now they want you to believe that a conspiracy theorist and known tax-dodger and con artist who operates casinos and talks lewdly about women will protect unborn children.  Really? Even the ones that will be born to illegal immigrants or people on welfare?

Meanwhile, if you believe the Facebook memes, a woman who has spent 40 years trying to expand access to medical care for women and children and to lift low-income families out of poverty is a “murderer.” Even though abortions dropped dramatically during her husband’s administration.

Life is complicated. It can’t all fit on a bumper sticker. To be truly pro-life requires a commitment to caring for women and children before AND after birth.

I am pleased that statistics show that abortions have dropped by half since their peak under the Reagan and Bush I administrations.  Whether due to better education, better access to pre- and post-natal care, better contraception, or better policies, I can’t say, but it probably wasn’t the result of the planks in either party’s platform.  It was likely because more women have better options. For that we can all be grateful.